NAEA Town Hall Converstaions 10/20/2020 ------ Alysia Lee, Coodinator, Fine Arts, Maryland State DOE, Baltimore, MD Armon Barrows, Visual & Graphic Arts Teacher, Crater Renaissance Academy, Central Point, OR Luisa Tio, Art Teacher, Matthew Maury Elementary, Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA Mario Rossero, Host, Executive Director and life-long visual arts educator. Earl Franks, Exec. Director of NAEA elementary school systems; works with several school administrators. ---------------- 230+ attending :) WOW! FORMAT: Pairs of guests in intimint conversation for 2 minutes at a time, 6 minutes total for the conversation. PERSPECTIVES of what school life is right now during Covid-19. ________________ Embrace PD: An online model for adult learning involving all art forms (poetry, dance, visual, music, etc.). AREAL: Anti Racist Arts Educators Learning Lab Emotional Learnign Through the Arts Arts Together COVID-19 TIP: Pack wet materials in single-use materials to avoid contamination. COVID-19 TIP: Keep in mind self-care during hard times. Take time to practice your arts and relax to keep down stress. How to keep the learning deep: Stay flexible. Keep the ideas, history, critisizm, and mental tools even if you do not have the classroom and supplies. Ask questions like, Who Started Watercolor? Make videos with your own narration and make it available on many platforms so students have access. ADVICE from Mario Rossero: Don't feel that you're alone, or that you have to have all solutions on your own. Everyone on the call is a colleague (NAEA admin, members, and community). Barrow ideas and learn from your colleagues. Explore a facet of different art instruction that you may not have tried before. We're living in a moment unlike any that we may see in our lifetime. COVID-19 TIP: Document everything and save all your instructional videos. Odds are we will use them this coming school year. COVID-19: How do you meet the needs of early childhood and special education students? -You chunck lessons up in visual aids. Use breakout rooms. Plan ahead and have teachers use break out rooms for better engagement. -Younger students love using the camera and moving their bodies. Take advantage of that! COVID-19 ONLINE: Lack of Supplies for Students at Home. How does that affect learning and grading? -Have resourcfulness. Go find what you have and use it. Stick to big ideas and it won't matter too much as to the medium the student uses. Use visual virtual art museums and visual scavenger hunts. Use program clled see-saw where kids can create art digitally. COVI-19 ONLINE: Grading -Talk to administrators for options, but have reccommendations prepared. Be creative and have solutions. Admins will be very receptive on your ideas. What makes sense for you and our studetns. ________coming up_________ NOV 17 Social Emotional Care and Learning DEC 15 Equity in the Classroom